What can you not bring into Barbados

Barbados is one of the most popular Caribbean destinations, but there are certain things that you are not allowed to bring into the country. These regulations were put in place to ensure safety and maintain order within Barbados’ borders. This article will discuss what can’t be brought into Barbados according to their laws:

Prohibited Items

The Customs (List of Prohibited and Restricted Imports and Exports) Order sets out various goods which it is strictly prohibited to bring or attempt to bring them into Barbados.

Based on the information provided in the search results, here is a comprehensive list of items prohibited for import into Barbados:

Prohibited Items for Import into Barbados
Illegal Drugs
Prepared Opium
Guns, Explosives, and Ammunition
Knives and Other Deadly Weapons
Food Unfit for Human Consumption
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Grown in or Conveyed from Florida, U.S. (unless accompanied by a Phytosanitary Certificate)
Infected Cattle
Counterfeit Coins
Indecent or Obscene Articles
Fictitious Stamps
Toy Guns
Ozone-Depleting Substances
Goods Banned by Any Other Law of Barbados

Illegal Substances

  • Narcotic drugs
  • Prepared Opium

Weapons and Dangerous Articles

  • Firearms, explosives and ammunition
  • Knives (including swords, daggers etc.) or any other weapon capable of causing death or injury.

Foodstuffs & Agricultural Products

  • Food unfit for human consumption.
  • Fresh fruits or vegetables grown in or conveyed from Florida unless accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate.

Other Prohibited Goods

  • Counterfeit coins;
  • indecent or obscene articles;
  • fictitious stamps;
  • toy guns that look like real ones;
  • ozone-depleting substances;
  • any other goods banned by any law of Barbados.

Read also Medications not allowed in Barbados and USA to Barbados flight time

Restricted Items

Additionally, there are certain categories under import restrictions that need special permits before they can be imported:

Agricultural & Animal Products

  • All fruits, vegetables plants cuttings seeds unprocessed plant products shall be declared to customs and inspected by a Plant Quarantine Officer.
  • Some plant seed cuttings may also require an import permit with a phytosanitary certificate issued thereon while others have none specified.

Meat & Meat Products

Meat meat products require a special permit from the Ministry of Agriculture Consumer Affairs.

Pets Animals

Importation of animals and pets must have prior approval from the Veterinary Services Division Chief Agricultural Officer.  

Alcohol Tobacco

  • Spirit wines, not bottled containers less than nine gallons;
  • tobacco cigars cigarettes cigarillos unless in whole complete package;
  • tobacco extracts essences.

Other Restricted Goods

Goods bearing the Royal Arms of Great Britain; goods imported as ship’s or aircraft’s stores, except for the consumption of passengers crew members aboard said ships/aircraft.

Refrigerant Blends

Certain refrigerants are not allowed to be imported into Barbados because they contain components that have been banned by international agreements due to their adverse effect on ozone layer depletion prevention programs adopted under the United Nations Montreal Protocol which was signed back in 1987 among other things states parties shall take appropriate measures control limit total emissions all substances depleting stratospheric ozone.

Customs Regulations & Declarations

Upon arrival at any port, visitors should declare any restricted or prohibited items to customs. Failure to do so might result in fines being imposed or persons being prosecuted under section five hundred and sixty-four (564) of the Customs Act Cap 66.

There is also a provision for general duty-free allowances with respect to certain articles such as one-liter potable spirits wine however anything above these limits may attract additional duties and taxes payable thereon.

In addition to this there are provisions that relate specifically to travelers’ personal effects including clothing, personal jewelry, cameras binoculars etcetera but excluding motor vehicles aircraft vessels sea sea-going ships pleasure craft trailers caravans horses live birds. Footwear perfumery cosmetics may also enjoy temporary duty exemptions if brought used within six months after the date entering Barbados provided they were acquired bona fide gifts received while abroad as tokens goodwill not intended sale transfer another person either directly or indirectly barter exchange compensation services rendered discharging any contractual obligation whatsoever between giver recipient thereof where no monetary value attaches thereto such arrangements constitute genuine acts friendship honor social civility only.

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