What to pack for Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a beautiful country with diverse landscapes, from beaches to rainforests, and it’s essential to pack the necessary items to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable trip.

Pack for Costa Rica

Here’s a comprehensive guide on what to pack for a trip to Costa Rica based on insights from various travel resources and experienced travelers.


  • Lightweight and comfortable clothing: Costa Rica is a casual country, and lightweight and comfortable clothing is recommended. Pack shorts, t-shirts, and sandals for the beach, and long-sleeved shirts, pants, and hiking boots for the rainforest.
  • Raincoat or waterproof jacket: Costa Rica experiences rain throughout the year, so it’s advisable to pack a raincoat or waterproof jacket to stay dry during outdoor activities.
  • Hat: A hat is essential to protect your face and head from the sun.
  • Swimwear: Pack swimwear for the beach and hot springs.
  • Microfiber towel: A microfiber towel is lightweight and dries quickly, making it ideal for outdoor activities and beach trips.
  • Insect-repellent clothing: Consider packing insect-repellent clothing, such as long-sleeved shirts and pants, to protect against mosquitoes and other insects.

See how long it takes you to fly to Costa Rica

Please fill fields:city, region, country separated with comma.
Example: Washington, DC, USA
(if there are no region just input space example "Paris, ,France").

3571 km

2219 miles

5 h 6 min

Read also USA to Costa Rica – flight time

The prices for souvenirs in the Costa Rica?

SouvenirPrice Range
Bag of Coffee$10 – $20
Hand-painted Wooden Souvenirs$5 – $25
Handmade Jewelry$10 – $50
T-shirts with Costa Rican Designs$10 – $20
Bikinis and Sarongs with Costa Rican Designs$10 – $30
One liter of Centenario rum aged 5 years$20
Pint-size bottles of Centenario rum$6
Hand-Crafted Shoes$20 – $60
Beach Umbrellas$60 – $85
Jewelry$10 – $100

What medications to take with you to Costa Rica


  • Sunscreen: Pack reef-safe sunscreen with a high SPF to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays.
  • Insect repellent: Bring insect repellent with DEET or other recommended ingredients to protect against mosquitoes and other insects.
  • Flashlight or headlamp: A flashlight or headlamp is essential for navigating dark areas, such as during night hikes or power outages.
  • Waterproof map: With Costa Rica’s poor signage and rough mountain roads, it’s advisable to carry a waterproof map to avoid getting lost.
  • Battery pack: A battery pack is useful for charging electronic devices during outdoor activities.
  • Medical kit: Pack a medical kit with essential items such as bandages, antiseptic, and pain relievers.
  • Reusable water bottle: A reusable water bottle is essential to stay hydrated during outdoor activities and reduce plastic waste.

Other Considerations

  • Money belt: Consider packing a money belt to keep your valuables safe during outdoor activities and travel.
  • Universal power adapter: Bring a universal power adapter if needed, as Costa Rica’s power is 110 Volts, the same as the US.
  • Motion sickness medication: If you’re prone to motion sickness, consider packing motion sickness medication for car rides on rough mountain roads.
  • Toiletries: Pack your essential toiletries, including toothpaste, toothbrush, and soap.

When traveling to Costa Rica, it’s important to pack the necessary medications to ensure a comfortable and healthy trip. Here’s a guide to help you understand what medications to take with you to Costa Rica, based on insights from various travel resources and experienced travelers.

Prescription Medications

It’s essential to bring an adequate supply of any prescription medications you may need during your trip. This includes your regular prescriptions as well as any specific medications you may require. It’s advisable to carry these medications in their original packaging, along with a copy of the prescription. If you have any concerns about the legality of bringing specific medications into Costa Rica, it’s recommended to contact the Costa Rican embassy for verification.

Over-the-Counter Medications

In addition to prescription medications, it’s advisable to pack a basic supply of over-the-counter medications to address common travel-related issues. These may include:

  • Traveler’s diarrhea antibiotic: It’s recommended to carry a traveler’s diarrhea antibiotic, such as ciprofloxacin or azithromycin, to address gastrointestinal issues.
  • Pain and fever medication: Examples include acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen to address pain and fever symptoms.
  • Mild laxative: Pack a mild laxative to address potential issues with constipation.
  • Antihistamines: Bring antihistamines to address allergy symptoms or insect bites.
  • Insect repellent: While not a medication, insect repellent is an essential item to protect against mosquito-borne illnesses such as dengue and Zika.

Other Considerations

  • Altitude sickness medication: If you plan to visit high-altitude areas, it’s advisable to pack medication to address potential altitude sickness symptoms.
  • Medical supplies: If you have specific medical needs, such as glasses, contact lenses, or other medical supplies, ensure you have an adequate supply for the duration of your trip.

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