Medications not allowed in Hungary

There is no explicit list of medications banned from entering Hungary.

List of Medications Not Allowed in Singapore

However, Hungarian legislation does restrict the importation of certain categories of goods, including:

  • Narcotics and psychoactive substances
  • Unlicensed medicines
  • Counterfeit or substandard medicines

Restricted Medicines in Hungary

Some medicines require special permissions to enter Hungary, such as:

  • Medicines without valid marketing authorizations in Hungary
  • Off-label uses of medicines
  • Import of a defined quantity of a medicinal product

Tips for Travelers Bringing Medicines to Hungary

  • Carry sufficient quantities of prescribed medications in their original packaging, accompanied by a doctor’s prescription
  • Declare all medications upon arrival at customs
  • Know the generic names of medications, as these are more recognized internationally
  • Check with Hungarian authorities to confirm that medications are legal in Hungary

Over-the-counter (OTC) Medicines Available in Hungary

Over-the-counter medicines are widely available at pharmacies throughout Hungary. Some common OTC medications include:

  • Acetaminophen (Paracetamol)
  • Ibuprofen
  • Loperamide
  • Cetirizine
  • Antacids
  • Multi-vitamins

Always consult with a healthcare professional and the relevant authorities for up-to-date and accurate information on the importation of medications in Hungary.

Where can I get OTC medication in Hungary?

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications are widely available at pharmacies throughout Hungary.

Here are some pharmacies in Hungary where you can purchase over-the-counter medications:

  1. Community Pharmacies: Hungary has approximately 2,394 community pharmacies, most of which have been privatized. These pharmacies are widely available throughout the country and provide a range of medications, including over-the-counter products.
  2. Terez Patika: Located in the VI. district at Terez Krt, this pharmacy is known for providing a variety of pharmaceutical products and services.
  3. Elefant Gyogyszertar: Situated in the X. district at Pongrac ut 19, this pharmacy offers a selection of medications and healthcare items.
  4. Quellen-Apotheke: Found at Quellenstraße 45, this pharmacy is known for its comprehensive range of pharmaceutical products and services.
  5. Dorottya Gyogyszertar (BENU): Situated in the 5th district at Dorottya u. 13, this pharmacy provides various over-the-counter medications and prescription services.
  6. Ors Vezer Pharmacy (BENU): This 24-hour pharmacy is located in the 14th district at Ors Vezer and offers continuous service for individuals in need of pharmaceutical products.

These pharmacies are just a few examples of the many establishments available throughout Hungary where you can purchase over-the-counter medications and other essential healthcare products.

When visiting pharmacies, it is recommended to present the original packaging of medications and carry a copy of your prescription.

Additionally, travelers should be aware that Hungary prohibits shipping OTC medicines from January 1, 2022. Only professional pharmacy staff can deliver OTC and prescription-only medicinal products to patients’ homes.

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