What food can I take to Morocco?

One of the FAQs, travelers ask when planning a trip to Morocco is whether they can carry their own food. Yes, but there are certain things that need to be kept in mind while traveling so smoothly and also respecting the local culture. This article will look into what kinds of food items can be taken into Morocco, how to pack them, and some essential tips for eating and drinking in this beautiful North African country.

How to Pack Your Food for the Trip

According to, bringing food into Morocco is generally possible as many travelers do because some have particular dietary needs or preferences However, it’s important that you pack your food items in a way that won’t cause any trouble during security checks. Below are some hints:

  • Solid foods only: Avoid carrying liquids such as pastes and other non-solid items since these may be taken away at checkpoints.
  • Checked-in luggage: To reduce the chances of problems arising during security checks place your food stuffs inside your checked-in bags.
  • Declare your food: For any doubts about any kind of food; it is always good to declare it at customs so that potential issues may be avoided.

Permitted Food Items

Although there are no strict regulations regarding what sort of foods one can come with into Morocco, it is much better if one sticks to non-perishables which cannot spoil easily during the journey. Some examples include:

Food ItemAllowedNotes
TeaYesA popular item to bring, especially if you have a specific brand or type you prefer.
Tea biscuitsYesAnother favorite among travelers, especially if you have a sweet tooth.
OlivesYesA staple in Moroccan cuisine, but you can still bring your own if you prefer a specific type.
Cured meats (e.g., ham, salami)YesBe mindful of Morocco’s Muslim culture, but these items are generally allowed.
CheeseYesA great option if you have specific dietary needs or preferences.
Cookies and sweetsYesPerfect for a quick snack or to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Legumes (e.g., beans, lentils)YesEspecially useful if you have specific dietary requirements or preferences.
Gluten-free breadYesA must-have for those with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.
Nuts and dried fruitsYesHealthy and convenient snacks for your travels.
Instant noodlesYesEasy to prepare and can be a comforting meal option.
Canned goodsYesConsider bringing canned fish, vegetables, or fruits for convenience.

Dietary Requirements

If you have special dietary requirements, then make sure that you plan ahead and pack accordingly. For instance, if you suffer from celiac disease or gluten intolerance, having gluten-free bread or other gluten-free products could save the day. Similarly, if you’re vegetarian or vegan consider carrying non-perishable legumes nuts, or dried fruits among others which will ensure you meet refined diet needs.

Eating Out & Drinking in Morocco

While it’s legal to bring your own food when coming to Morroco however respecting their culture by trying out wonderful Moroccan meals is important. Here are tips for eating and drinking in Morocco:

  • Local food tasting: Moroccan cuisine is famous for its rich taste and diversity. Hence ensure that you have tasted some of the popular dishes like tagine, couscous, and brochettes.
  • Right hand: In Morocco, the left hand is considered to be unclean so while eating or passing around dishes it’s better to use your right hand.
  • Avoid tap water: It is not safe to drink from the tap due to buying sterilized or bottled water.
  • Remember about hygiene during mealtime: Don’t eat from street vendors or consume food washed with tap water.
  • Food Markets: To experience traditional foods and purchase fresh produce, spices and snacks, explore the lively souks of Morocco.

Cultural Considerations

Morocco has a strong culinary tradition that stems from its culture and history. One must be aware of cultural sensibilities when importing food into the country. Due to Islamic dietary laws, pork products are not consumed in Morocco; thus one should not bring such items. Moreover, drinking alcohol in public places is restricted so if you want to enjoy any alcoholic drinks drink them at restaurants and bars only.

Read also What can you not bring to Morocco and Medications not allowed in Marocco


If you have specific dietary needs and preferences, it may be more convenient to bring your meals with you to Morocco. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that you should choose the right things to pack, declare your food items as well as respect the customs of a given place. Hence when going to Morocco for example you can enjoy an unforgettable journey if you follow these steps and pieces of advice. Furthermore don’t forget to also eat some exquisite local foods and appreciate the etiquette in relation to food and eating.

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