What food can I take to Papua New Guinea?

Do you have plans to visit the amazing country of Papua New Guinea? It is a remarkable experience for travelers both from diverse cultures and fascinating nature through which it offers a unique journey to anyone interested. However, before you set off on your trip, knowing the kind of food items that can be brought along is important.

Just like other nations, Papua New Guinea has put in place rules regarding the importation of foodstuffs meant to safeguard its agriculture as well as environmental and public health. Bringing prohibited food items into the country attracts fines or even confiscation at the border. Therefore, it’s important to know what foods are allowed and those that are not permitted in order to make your movement into Papua New Guinea free from any challenge.

Permitted Food Items

However, there may be some types of foods that are restricted yet travelers who go into PNG can bring quite a number of ingredients that they might need while there. Following is an overview of authorized food products:

Food CategoryPermitted Items
Packaged FoodsThese will include canned goods, dried fruits, nuts, and snacks among others having been neatly packed.
Dry GoodsRice, pasta cereals, or any other grains kept in their original packages are within limits.
Spices and HerbsOften personal use suggests carrying small quantities of spices and herbs however the person should secure them best.
SnacksTravelers can bring snacks like chocolates, biscuits, chips, etc provided they are commercially packed and sealed.
Baby FoodSealed commercial baby food and formula are allowed. Only carry enough for the duration of your trip.

It should also be noted that upon entering Papua New Guinea all these must be declared. One should declare all edible substances lest he/she incur a penalty; hence it is better if one just tells customs officers everything openly.

Prohibited Food Items

Papua New Guinea allows a lot of food items to be imported into the country but it also has some things that are strictly prohibited. There is no permission for the following:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables that are fresh cannot be brought to prevent any introduction of pests and diseases.
  • Meat and dairy products: Meat, poultry, seafood, in both its raw and cooked state and dairy products have been banned in order to curb the spread of foot-and-mouth disease or avian influenza.
  • Homemade or unpackaged food items: Homemade or unpackaged food items must not be carried so as to maintain proper food safety standards.
  • Seeds and plants: Papua New Guinea will not allow you to bring any seeds, plants, or plant material because these are used to protect our biodiversity.

Read also USA to Papua New Guinea flight time

Tips for Packing Food Items

Here are some useful tips when packing food items for your trip to Papua New Guinea:

  1. Check expiry dates: Confirm all packed foods have not expired yet and they meet their shelf life requirements.
  2. Securely seal the items: Ensure all edibles are adequately sealed so that there is no leakage during transportation from one place to another.
  3. Pack with care: To save on luggage space avoid excess baggage by carrying only enough foodstuffs for your journey thus preventing wastage.
  4. Declare everything you carry about food onto the customs officer at Papa New Guinean borders.

By following these guidelines and being mindful of the regulations, you can enjoy your time in Papua New Guinea without any food-related issues.


Papua New Guinea offers a wealth of experiences for travelers — vibrant cultural festivals abound; its natural beauty speaks for itself. However, it’s important to know what is allowed as far as bringing in edible things is concerned so as not to face such hitches while entering plus safeguarding the agriculture sector of this nation.

Though certain foods cannot be taken out of Guyana other packaged eatables can be accessed. You can move through customs without any difficulties by complying with the requirement to declare food items upon entry.

So, as you prepare for your adventure in Papua New Guinea, pack your bags with permitted food items, declare them upon arrival, and get ready to savor the flavors of this enchanting destination. Bon appétit and safe travels!

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