Medications not allowed in Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia, there are strict regulations regarding medications that are not allowed to be imported into the country. These regulations are in place to ensure the safety and well-being of the population.

Here is an overview of the restrictions and guidelines related to medications not allowed in Saudi Arabia:

List of Medications Not Allowed in Saudi Arabia

Narcotic Drugs
  • Alfentanil,
  • Amphetamine,
  • Buprenorphone,
  • Codeine,
  • Fentanyl,
  • Ketamine,
  • Methadone,
  • Methyphenidate,
  • Morphine,
  • Pentazocine,
  • Pethidine,
  • Remifentanil,
  • Sufentanil,
  • Ketalar,
  • Physeptone,
  • Ritalin,
  • Sosegon,
  • Subutex,
  • Ultiva
Controlled Drug Class A Ð Psychotropics!
  • Acitretin,
  • Alprazolam,
  • Aripiprazole,
  • Bromazepam,
  • Buprenorphine (200 µg tablets and 500 µg”injection),
  • Butorphanol,
  • Chlopromazine,
  • Chlordiazepoxide,
  • Clobazam,
  • Clonazepam,
  • Clorazepate,
  • Diazepam,
  • Dihydrocodeine,
  • Droperidol,
  • Flumazenil,
  • Flupentixol,
  • Fluphenazine,
  • Haloperidol,
  • Isotretinoin,
  • Lorazepam,
  • Medazepam,
  • Mephenoxalone,
  • Midazolam,
  • Misoprostol,
  • Nalbuphine,
  • Olanzapine,
  • Phenobarbitone,
  • Pimozide,
  • Prazepam,
  • Prochlorperazine,
  • Propofol,
  • Prostaglandin,
  • Quetiapine
Controlled Drugs Class B 
  • Amitriptyline
  • Baclofen
  • Benzhexol
  • Biperiden
  • Buspirone
  • Carisoprodol
  • Citalopram
  • Clomipramine
  • Codeine
  • Cyclobenzaprine
  • Dextromethorphan
  • Diphenoxylate
  • Dotheipin
  • Duloxetine
  • Escitalopram
  • Estradiol
  • Ethinylestradiol
  • Etonogestrel
  • Fluoxetine
  • Flupenthixol
  • Fluvoxamine
  • Imapramine
  • Isotretonin
  • Lithium Carbonate
  • Maprotiline
  • Menotrophin
  • Meserolone
  • Methocarbomol
  • Mianserin
  • Milnacipran
  • Minaprine
  • Mirtazapine
  • Moclobemide
  • Naltrexone
  • Nandrolone
  • Nefazodone
  • Norethisterone
  • Norethisterone
  • Norgetrol
  • Noscapine
  • Octreotide
  • Oestradiol
  • Opipramol
  • Orphenadrine
  • Oseltamivir
  • Oxazepam
  • Paroxetine
  • Pholcodine
  • Pimecrolimus
  • Procyclidine
  • Propoxyphene (with paracetemol
  • Pyrisuccideanol
  • Reboxetine
  • Sertraline
  • Somatrophine
  • Testosterone
  • Ticlopidine
  • Tizanidine
  • Tretinoin
  • Trimipramine
  • Vecuronium
  • Venlafaxine
Controlled Drugs Class A Psychotropics
  • Abilify
  • Anexate
  • Arthrotec
  • Ativan
  • Barnetil
  • Buccastem
  • Clopixol
  • Cytotec
  • Deanxit
  • Dehydrobenzperidol
  • Demetrin
  • DHC continues
  • Dialag
  • Diapam
  • Diprivan
  • Dogmatil
  • Dormicum
  • Dorsilon
  • Frisium
  • Gardinal
  • Genprid
  • Haldol
  • Intraval
  • Largactil
  • Lexotanil
  • Limbitrol
  • Neotigason
  • Nobrium
  • Noctran
  • Nubain
  • Orap
  • Prolixin
  • Propess
  • Risperdal
  • Rivotril
  • Serenace
  • Seroquel
  • Sonata
  • Stadol
  • Stelazine
  • Stemetil
  • Stesolid
  • Stilnox
  • Tekam
  • Temgesic
  • Tiapridal
  • Tramal
  • Tramundin
  • Tranxene
  • Valium
  • Xanax
  • Zaldiar
  • Zeldox
  • Zyprexa
  • Controlled Drugs Class B
  • 123 Cold
  • Actifed Compound
  • Actifed DM
  • Activelle
  • Adol Cold
  • Adol Compound
  • Adumbran
  • Akineton
  • Algaphan
  • Anafranil
  • Andriol
  • Artane
  • Athymil
  • Aurorix
  • Benxtrone
  • Bepro
  • Broncholar
  • Broncholar forte
  • Bronchophane
  • Buspar
  • Cancolite
  • Cantor
  • Cipralex
  • Cipram
  • Climen
  • Codaphen
  • Codaphen plus
  • Codilar
  • Codipront
  • Codis
  • Coldex-dD
  • Cymbalta
  • Deca durabolin
  • Decutan
  • Dextrocuf
  • Dextrolag
  • Diarsed
  • Diaxine
  • Dicton
  • Distalgesic
  • Edronax
  • Efexor
  • Elidel
  • Estracomb
  • Estrofem
  • Faverin
  • Femoston
  • Flexiban
  • Flozak
  • Fluanxol
  • Flumed DM adult
  • Fluneurin
  • Fluoxone
  • Fluran
  • Flutin
  • Fluxetyl
  • Genotropin
  • Insidon
  • Intard
  • Ixel
  • Kafosed
  • Kemadrin
  • Kliogest
  • Lagaflex
  • Linz
  • Lioresal
  • Lomotil
  • Ludiomil
  • Menogen
  • Muscadol
  • Myogesic
  • Noracod
  • Norcuron
  • Norditropin
  • Norflex
  • Norgesic
  • Nuvaing
  • Oxetine
  • Paracodol
  • Phensedyl
  • Primotestone
  • Progyluton
  • Prothiaden
  • Proviron
  • Prozac
  • Remeron
  • Revacod
  • Rhinotussel
  • Riaphan
  • Roaccutane
  • Robaxin
  • Robaxisal
  • Robitussin-CF
  • Romilar
  • Saizen
  • Salipax
  • Sandostatin
  • Saroten
  • Sedofan DM
  • Sedofan-P
  • Seroxat
  • Serzone
  • Sirdalud
  • Somadryl compound
  • St Joseph cough
  • Sterandryl
  • Stivane
  • Surmontil
  • Sustanon
  • Tamiflu
  • Ticlid
  • Tixylix
  • Tofranil
  • Trexan
  • Tripofed dm
  • Trisequens
  • Tryptizol
  • Tuscalman
  • Tussifin with codeine
  • Unified DM
  • Vesanoid
  • Virormone
  • Zoloft
  • It is illegal to import drugs or medical materials that are banned in Saudi Arabia or internationally.
  • Importing drugs listed in Table 1 in Schedule D and Table 2 in Schedule A, as well as items listed in Article (4) of the Drugs and Narcotics Control Law is prohibited.
  • Prescription drugs for personal use must be accompanied by a recent medical report or a doctor’s prescription with specific information.
  • The amount of allowable prescription medicine to be cleared for import shall be for the duration of the visit or one month, whichever is shorter.
  • If the prescription medication exceeds the patient’s medical need, unused medication must be disposed of properly.
  1. Traveling with Medicines:
  • Some countries like Saudi Arabia have strict lists of medications not allowed to be brought in.
  • Before traveling, check restrictions on taking medicines out of the UK and into the countries you plan to visit.
  • If traveling with HIV medications, carry a letter detailing your specialist doctor’s contact details and a list of all medicines without stating the reason for taking them.
  • Controlled medicines may require carrying a letter from a healthcare professional and contacting relevant authorities before travel.
  1. Readability of Patient Information Leaflets (PILs) in Saudi Arabia:
  • A study assessed the readability of patient information leaflets for antihypertensive medications in Saudi Arabia.
  • The study aimed to evaluate the readability of PILs for oral antihypertensive medications marketed in Saudi Arabia.
  • The Flesch-Kincaid readability calculator was used to assess readability factors like grade level and reading ease score.

How to get a prescription in Saudi Arabia

To get a prescription in Saudi Arabia, you will need to follow specific procedures outlined by the Saudi Food and Drug Authority. Here is a summary based on the search results:

  1. Visit a Doctor: If you require a prescription medication in Saudi Arabia, you must visit a doctor who will write you a prescription.
  2. Prescription Requirements:
  • The prescription medications must be accompanied by a recent medical report or a doctor’s prescription with specific information like medical diagnosis, drug details, and usage instructions.
  • The person importing the prescription medications will be held personally responsible for its lawful use.
  1. Pharmacy Visit:
  • Once you have the prescription, you can take it to a pharmacy to have it filled. You will need to provide your health insurance details.
  • Payment for medication can be made in cash, by credit card, or even by mobile phone.
  1. Electronic Prescriptions:
  • Saudi Arabia has introduced an electronic prescribing system called “Wasfaty” to facilitate the transmission of prescriptions from doctors to pharmacies.
  1. Regulations:
  • In Saudi community pharmacies, every drug is treated as an over-the-counter (OTC) drug and may be purchased without a prescription, which has led to concerns about patient safety and malpractice.
  1. Recommendations:
  • It is crucial for regulatory authorities to implement drug sale regulations and ensure that all pharmacists working in community pharmacies are trained and certified for patient safety.

In conclusion, obtaining a prescription in Saudi Arabia involves visiting a doctor, ensuring the necessary documentation accompanies the prescription, and following the regulations set forth by the Saudi Food and Drug Authority to ensure safe and lawful use of prescription medications.

How to get antibiotics in Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia, it is illegal for pharmacists to dispense antibiotics without a medical prescription. The country has strict regulations in place to control the misuse of antibiotics, aiming to combat antimicrobial resistance. Despite these regulations, studies have shown that antibiotics can still be obtained without a prescription in some cases, leading to inappropriate use and potential risks.

Pharmacies in Saudi Arabia are well-stocked and pharmacists often speak English. However, certain medications, including antibiotics, cannot be purchased without a prescription. The Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia is vigilant about enforcing these rules, and pharmacies found breaking them risk significant fines.

For individuals seeking antibiotics in Saudi Arabia, an e-prescription service is available through the “Mawid” app or by calling the 937-Service Center. This e-prescription can be used to obtain medication from commercial pharmacies without the need to visit a doctor in person.

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Import Regulations

  • It is illegal to import drugs or medical materials that are banned in Saudi Arabia or internationally.
  • Drugs listed in Table 1 in Schedule D and Table 2 in Schedule A, as well as items listed in Article (4) of the Drugs and Narcotics Control Law, cannot be imported.
  • Prescription drugs for personal use must be accompanied by a recent medical report or a doctor’s prescription with specific information about the patient, diagnosis, treatment plan, drug details, and dosage.
  • The person importing prescription medications is personally responsible for their lawful use and must provide a copy of their identification document.

Clearance Process

  • The amount of allowable prescription medicine for import is limited to the duration of the visit or one month, whichever is shorter.
  • If the quantity of cleared prescription medications is used up during the visit, the patient must consult a local physician for verification and a new prescription.
  • Unused medication exceeding the medical need must be disposed of properly.
  • For medications used through injection, clearance should be supervised by a local medical professional.

Access to Medicines in Saudi Arabia

  • Access to medicines is crucial for maintaining health standards.
  • The healthcare system in Saudi Arabia faces challenges such as cancer drug financing, medicine shortages, and access issues.
  • The cost of some medications can be prohibitive for individuals needing them.
  • Policy decisions are essential to address pharmaceutical and access policies related to medicines.

Popular pharmacies in Saudi Arabia

Some popular pharmacies in Saudi Arabia include:

  1. Whites Pharmacy: Address: 3449, 7069 التخصصي، 3449, Saudi Arabia, Riyadh 12341, Saudi Arabia
  2. Al Malaz National Pharmacy: Address: عبدالعزيز, 6061 طريق عمر بن, 2512 Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz Rd, Riyadh 12812, Saudi Arabia
  3. Aldawaa Pharmacy 724: Address: EKDA7853, 7853 King Abdulaziz Rd, 2679, Al Khobar Al Shamalia, Al Khobar 34426, Saudi Arabia
  4. Sharif Pharmacy: Address: Al Khobar Al Shamalia, Al Khobar 34427, Saudi Arabia[4]
  5. Nahdi Pharmacy: Address: حي, Prince Abdulrahman Bin Abdulaziz St, Al Wizarat, Riyadh 12626, Saudi Arabia
  6. United Pharmacy – صيدلية المتحدة: Address: 2517 Rafha St, King Salman Neighborhood, Riyadh 12443, Saudi Arabia

These pharmacies are known for their quality products and services, and they cater to the diverse needs of their customers.

In conclusion, Saudi Arabia has stringent regulations on medications not allowed for importation. These regulations aim to safeguard public health and ensure that individuals have access to safe and appropriate medications. Travelers need to adhere to these guidelines when bringing prescription drugs into the country to avoid any legal implications.

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