What food can I take to Sweden?

When you go to Sweden, there is a possibility that you will want to bring some of your home foods with you. Nonetheless, there are specific rules and regulations regarding the types of foodstuffs that can be imported into the country. This piece endeavors to be a detailed guide on foodstuff allowed in Sweden either within the EU or without the EU.

Food from Within the EU

If you are coming into another EU country, it is generally permitted for you to carry any type of food item as long as they are meant for personal consumption rather than sale. These involve plant and animal-based products. You do not have to pay duty or tax on them and hence no hassles at customs.

Foodstuff from the Canary Islands

The Canary Islands form part of the EU but are considered outside the EU for plant health purposes. Therefore if you bring fresh fruit, vegetables, or herbs from these islands you should follow the same regulations as those applicable in countries outside the European Union.

Food from Countries Outside the EU

For non-EU countries, measures have been put in place to ensure animals and pests do not proliferate. Generally, products of animal origin cannot be brought through except very few specifically mentioned ones that include:

  • Honey
  • Live oysters
  • Frog legs
  • Snails

Infant formula and other special medical food products that must be packaged and unopened.

You may also import eviscerated fresh prepared or processed fishery products but up to certain weight limits imposed thereof. With respect to the Faroe Islands and Greenland, all types of fishery products including certain other food products be brought along up until a total weight of 10 kg is reached.

Specific Food from Various Countries

There are some countries that the EU has special deals with to enable you to bring in specific types of food. These include:

  • Northern Ireland
  • Switzerland
  • Liechtenstein
  • San Marino
  • Andorra
  • Iceland
  • Norway
  • The Faroe Islands
  • Greenland

From these countries, one may import animal products such as milk, eggs, and meat, or vegetable products of certain kinds.

Food from Endangered Species

You can only bring in certain foodstuffs made from threatened animals under valid restrictions. For example, these encompass caviar derived from sturgeon and bear meat which is protected under International Conventions.

Restrictions on Some Products

Some food items are strictly prohibited in Sweden. They comprise:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Potatoes
  • Grape leaves
  • Certain species of fish and fish preparations

These foods pose a risk of spreading diseases or pests affecting plants.

Read also Medications not allowed in Sweden and USA to Sweden flight time

Table Indicating Permitted Foods

The following table provides a summary of the types of food allowed in Sweden:

Food ItemPermitted fromRestrictions
HoneyOutside EUUp to 2 kg
Live oystersOutside EUUp to 2 kg
Frog legsOutside EUUp to 2 kg
SnailsOutside EUUp to 2 kg
Infant formulaOutside EUPackaged and unopened
Eviscerated fishery productsOutside EUWeight limits
Meat productsEU countriesNo restrictions
Milk productsEU countriesNo restrictions
Plant-based productsEU countriesNo restrictions
Fishery productsFaroe Islands, GreenlandNo restrictions
Meat productsAndorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, San Marino, SwitzerlandNo restrictions
Milk productsAndorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, San Marino, SwitzerlandNo restrictions

Additional Considerations

Other things to remember when bringing food into Sweden besides the rules governing various food items include the following:

  • Quantity: Sometimes even if something is allowed there may still be limits on how much you can take. For instance, there are set amounts of honey that can be brought in from outside EU member states.
  • Packaging: Ensure that any food you bring along with you has been packed properly so that it does not get contaminated or spoiled while traveling.
  • Labeling: Any foodstuff you carry must have clear labeling without misleading information contained therein.
  • Customs Declaration: If you go through Sweden’s customs with your purchased edibles then all must be declared accordingly by yourself. It therefore becomes necessary to have all relevant documents including those giving an account of what ingredients went into making each item or brand carried by any traveler to this country at hand during their journey back home after buying such goods abroad.


Visitors to Sweden must know the rules and regulations that encompass bringing in foodstuffs. By knowing what is allowed and what they are expected to follow, one can enjoy a hassle-free journey. Remember, it is still advisable to consider the specific countries you are going from as well as where you are landing and of course follow guidelines on importing edibles so that no troubles arise at customs.

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