What food can I take to Uruguay?

Uruguay, which is a country in South America with a rich culture and stunning landscapes, has specific directives concerning the import of foodstuffs. As a traveler or an expat, it is important to know what one can carry into Uruguay in terms of food items to avoid any possible misunderstandings with the authorities or fines. This article gives a general description of foods that can be taken to Uruguay by pointing out what is prohibited and restricted as well as required documentation and processes.

Prohibited Items

Certain foods cannot be imported into Uruguay since there are strict rules for them. The following things are completely forbidden:

  • Lead-based paint: It is not good for your health if you have any paint contaminated with lead.
  • Organochlorine Insecticides: They are banned for importation due to their consequences on human beings and the environment.
  • Potassium bromate in food: Health problems arise from this chemical hence its non-eligibility for use in foods.
  • Used cars: Only new vehicles may be shipped into Uruguay.
  • Asbestos or asbestos products: Any item containing asbestos material is strictly not allowed because asbestos is hazardous to human health.
  • Some insecticides and herbicides: These chemicals should not be brought into the country as they are harmful both to people’s health and the environment.

Restricted Items

In addition, some foodstuffs are restricted or require special licenses unlike those that are banned:

  • Live animals: Must have certificate of good health as well as all inoculations completed on them.
  • Endangered species and articles made from such species: CITES permission is necessary here.
  • Medication: Original container with original label; as well as prescription must accompany medication. The amount should not exceed quantities essential during the period of stay in Uruguay.
  • Currency: Amounts above US$10,000 equivalent must be declared at Customs upon arrival at the airport/port.
  • Mobile phones: These should be declared and relevant tax paid before converting to a Uruguayan telephone service provider.

Items that are allowed

Here is a list of the food products which can be imported into Uruguay:

  • Salad dressing, flavors, and spices: These are some common items that can be carried when entering this country.
  • Pineapples, tangerines, oranges, carrot/sugar beet concentrate: Although fresh fruits and vegetables are generally allowed, there exist specific rules for their importation.
  • Candy bars as well as chocolate: These are among the popular edibles that can be imported to Uruguay.
  • Coffee beans, snack bars, dressings, instant soups, cheddar cheese, powdered potatoes: Such food products are normal in nature and therefore they can enter the country without any doubt.
  • Liquor (whiskey, beer, and wine): But don’t forget about certain limitations with regard to their importation.
  • Energy drinks; ready-to-drink beverages, cookies/cakes, protein bars, healthy snacks: Some of them can also be brought into this country at any time to some extent it may be desired by whoever likes them.
  • Vitamins/food supplements, sun-dried fruits/nuts, cocoa mass/fat, plus ingredients: These are basics that may have no limits in terms of importation policies.

Procedure for imports

To have an efficient importing process it is vital to follow the proper procedures:

  • Get necessary authorization: Be sure to obtain all permits and documents required before you bring foodstuffs into Uruguay.
  • Ask customs officials: Find out if there are particular conditions or bans for the types of foods under question from a customs office near you.
  • Labeling standards: Make sure every item is labeled according to requirements so that they meet codes for importations’ sake only if noted above.

Food Items That Are Legal For Import Into Uruguay

Food ItemDescriptionPermitted
Dressings, spices, condimentsCommon food itemsYes
Bananas, kiwifruit, grapefruit, tomato paste/ketchupFresh fruits and vegetablesYes
Confectionery products, chocolatesPopular food itemsYes
Coffee, snacks, sauces, prepared foods, soups, cheddar cheese, dehydrated potatoesCommon food itemsYes
Alcoholic beverages (whisky, beer, and wine)For personal consumptionYes
Energy drinks, prepared beverages, cookies/pastries, power bars, healthy snacksPopular food itemsYes
Nutritional ingredients, dried fruits and nuts, cocoa paste/butter, additivesEssential food itemsYes

Read also Medications not allowed in Uruguay

Other Things To Consider

When bringing food items into Uruguay there are other factors you should take into consideration:

  • Quantities involved: Only bring enough edible stuffs required within the personal use limit or the length of your stay.
  • Labeling: All foodstuffs are supposed to be well marked and meet importation guidelines
  • Custom Declaration: While entering the country all foods need to be declared at customs accompanied by necessary documentation.
  • Health Certificates: Obtain health certificates for live animals and plants.
  • CITES Permits: Acquire CITES permits for endangered species as well as their derivatives.


Regulated by particular rules, Uruguay possesses its unique import laws for food items. Therefore, it is of high importance to be aware of what food is allowed to be brought into the country and that will help avert any trouble or fines. This article gives out full details on the types of food you can carry to Uruguay stipulating what people should not have at any cost as well as explaining some documentation and procedures. Thus, you can ensure a smooth and successful importation process for your goods using them.

Additional Tips

  • Uruguayan Embassy or Consulate: Prior to bringing food to Uruguay, make sure that you source information regarding the current rules and guidelines that prevail within Uruguayan territories from your country’s Uruguayan embassy/consulate.
  • Customs Broker Advice: Individuals who are uncertain about export regulations and processes could hire a customs broker conversant with Uruguayan customs regulations.
  • Plan Ahead: Avoid potential delays or problems by ensuring all necessary permits and documentation are in place prior to transporting food items into Uruguay.

By following these guidelines and considering the additional tips provided hereafter one can be assured of easy easy-going import process which leads to success for foodstuffs while traveling or moving in Uruguay.

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